
6 Negatives of Thinking You’re “Normal”

In Living Life by LivingToTheUtmost

We all prefer to think that we fall under the category of normal, most likely in hopes of not being that weird and awkward person in the room, who simply doesn’t know it. But in thinking that we are normal, we forget that we are not normal, we are simply too unique to be normal. And in trying to be normal, we lose out on all the benefits of being different.

6 Negatives of Thinking You’re “Normal”
1.Normal trends become everyday changes

You will find that as trends change, so do your views and how you live.  This is because you believe you should change certain things because others are also changing them. This means that as common opinions change, you are likely to change along with them, instead of thinking for yourself. Choose to think for yourself because every day you are creating thoughts that should not go unnoticed.

2. You will doubt your capabilities

All of the passions, uniqueness and abilities in which a single person has is altogether inspiring. But when a person looks to compare themselves to what is normal, then a person starts to doubt what they are capable of. In comparing, they find that they are unable to locate themselves in the dictionary of normal people, and with this most choose to close the book on what they hope for. But doubt is always present before uncomfortable decisions, and uncomfortable decisions have to be made for a person to be more than normal.

3.You lose your uniqueness

In a rut of thinking you are normal, you will likely not pursue the passions and things which lead to becoming the person you want to be. This is simply because we need a lot of confidence to be ourselves, instead of being “normal”. Uniqueness takes courage to exist, in a world of ordinary roads. It is astounding to think of all the people in this world, and yet, uniqueness still reigns true. Don’t think that because others are not like you, that you shouldn’t be either.

4.You may not follow your passions because not everyone is doing it

This negative, piggy backs upon the negatives of losing your uniqueness and doubting your capabilities. It is very common for a person to have a dream and to simply never follow it because there is no room for it to grow, it is suffocated by the doubt which is instead allowed to grow. Now a followed dream is not guaranteed to be reached, but along the way other dreams will be born. And when you choose to follow both your heart and your head in pursuit of a dream, you will surely be surprised.

5.Greatness will elude you

Greatness has always befriended those who were willing to step out of the comfort zone in which most normally reside. Greatness has never come from following the crowd, but in leading it. But greatness is not found in worldly success and acclaim, but in being the person who can stand distinct, in a world lost in success and acclaim.

6.Normal is just plain boring

As today’s generations are understanding more and more every day, normal is just plain boring. When a person lives a life which they are truly happy with, by being who they are truly happy being, then the world of normal is no longer enticing. A normal life feeds the appetite of comfort, while starving the hunger for excitement. Why live a normal life when it stops you from living your life?

Life, keep it simple and live it


Image Credit: Kevin Dooley