Don’t Wait Till It’s Taken Away

In Living Life by LivingToTheUtmost

Lucky Enough To Lose

If we were lucky enough to have the incredibly invaluable things in our lives taken from us. Yet only long enough to realize their true worth. We would then realize what we have in life to be genuinely thankful for.

In trying to live life to the utmost, there is nothing as important as having a faithfully optimistic perspective each and every day. With the right outlook, the circumstances we find ourselves complain about would seem frivolous and laughable. While a positive viewpoint will shine light upon our seemingly common and mundane circumstances. Allowing us to see the surprising things in life which we so easily forget about.

True Appreciation

Usually the experiences in life which result in a loss are the very experiences which bring about true appreciation. But to wait until something is gone to finally surrender appreciation is quite tragic. To recognize what we have in each moment is an essential element in experiencing the most life has to offer. Gratitude for the modest things in our daily lives is what can add the little extra to just another ordinary day.

For those of us who are able to walk pain free and with little effort, from points A to Z throughout our day, we simply forget what a significant ability we enjoy. We most likely complain about the few extra steps we have to take to get to the front door of a store when we can’t find a good parking spot. While those who truly appreciate, what we so easily forget about, can no longer support this common daily stride and only wish they were able to add those additional footsteps. Similarly, the beautiful hues of life are truly longed for by those with only a shade of darkness to see. And I imagine that even the sound of a baby crying would be music to the ears for someone who can only subscribe to the sounds of silence.

In life, if you are walking, talking, seeing, breathing, and hearing then be thankful.  If one day these things were taken away, then you would realize what you truly had to be thankful for. Be thankful for the family, friends, and food that can so easily be forgotten. No matter the situation there is always something to be thankful for. But it takes effort to appreciate these things, which become so common among our daily repetition.

Don’t Wait

Don’t wait for something to be taken away to be thankful for it. Each day be grateful for those things which deserve it most, and enjoy them. Start looking for what you do have in life which is irreplaceable and may only be missed once it is gone. In the darkness most find their appreciation for the light, but only in the light can you truly appreciate what is shining all around you.

Life, keep it simple and live it


Image Credit: Anthony