Fool Proof Financial Saving
Between all the money-saving tips and ways to reduce your debt. There is one method which is fool-proof, yet far from foolish. If you find yourself pulling pennies from your piggy bank, just to make another purchase which will likely be quickly forgotten. You may need to take a different look at it all.
Magic Method
So you may ask, what is this magic method of saving? Well, it is contentment. Simple contentment. Being happy with what you have, and maybe even less than what you have right now. Contentment is about having the right perspective on what you have and want. Giving thought to the things you spend your time and money on. Taking the time to determine the actual worth to be gained instead of the worth which is foolishly hoped for. This is a method that won’t fail you, but likely a method you may fail at.
You’re Paying With The Wrong Currency
If you are looking in life to be satisfied by things, then you are trying to buy contentment. There is no exchange where you can trade things for contentment. It is like trying to buy a minute with a dollar, good luck. For a time you may feel like your purchases has successfully increased your satisfaction, but it will only be for a time.
The Secret To Success: Keep It On Your Mind
The secret to being content is to keep contentment on your mind. Look at the things you have, instead of the things you want. I could go on and on about how much we have to be thankful for, which we have all heard before. But it is not what we have that is the problem, but how we choose to view all of it. To be content with what you have, you must make a conscious choice to keep it on your mind.
A Worthwhile Investment
Valuing the things you have and seeking out the things that have true value will leave you being content. This is far from easy, which is why most people miss out on the investment that is really worth it. It takes work to focus on being content, but remember that it takes more work to buy those things that won’t bring you closer to contentment anyways.
It Will Save You More Than Money
Being content with less will not only keep you from spending money on more purchases, but will also save you time and stress. The more things you have, the more time you must spend on using and stressing out about those things. If the stress and time spent is not worth the thing itself, then it is not a good investment. Get out as soon as you can!
Invest In More Than Things
Contentment is not an idea which should only be applied to material things. By continuingly searching for contentment in other areas of your life, you will find that it is quite contagious and spills over into other content empty areas in life. Invest in the contentment of your circumstances. Don’t miss out on the things that you have in front of you right now, by looking for what you want in front of you in the future. Look to better your future, but not at the expense of today.
Simple Contentment May Save Your Life
Choosing to be content with what you have, and where you are at in life brings a sense of peace that helps you slow down and appreciate the moment. We so easily exchange the present moments for searching for what may come in the future. Yet there is nothing more valuable than the present you are living in. Taking a content look on life will help you take advantage of the time you are living right now, and to see the value in that which can’t be bought. In being content you may save a lot more than money, and begin saving more of your life.
Contentment Is Not For Sale
So the next time you walk into a store trying to feel a little more satisfied, just remember that contentment is not on the discount rack, found with a sale sticker on it, located in a display case, or printed in a flyer next to the cat food. You can search for it all you want, but it won’t be found in a store. It simply is not for sale.
Life, keep it simple and live it