Finding the Essential You
Minimalism is an idea that seems to speak my language. It has shown me how to purposefully strip away the excess, to simplify. In my experiments with minimalism, it has taught me how to search for what is valuable amongst the clutter scattered amongst the various areas of my life. …

The Heart Of The Story
Emptied Out Life. We strive, grow, fight, love, break, laugh, and simply experience life moment by moment. All these moments that make up life, the combination of both good and bad. At times this seems to be all that is ever needed. But we still find ourselves asking just a …

The Feeling Of Life
Dulling Senses Amongst the cell phones and TV screens, the busy schedules filled with traffic and fast food, we miss it. Yet we do all of it in pursuit of what we are missing. We do all of this for a sense of feeling. We were made to feel. We …

Life’s Meaning Part 2: So What Are You Going To Do About It?
“Man’s search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life… this meaning is unique and specific in that it must and can be fulfilled by him alone.” – Viktor Frankl Head Scratching Habits So with all the cards on the table, or at least this one. What is the …

Life’s Meaning Part 1: Are You Meaning To Find It?
Meaning In Any Circumstance “I had wanted simply to convey to the reader by way of a concrete example that life holds a potential meaning under any conditions, even the most miserable ones.” – Viktor Frankl This was Viktor Frankl’s hope in writing Man’s Search for Meaning, a book about …

Lost Without Life’s Luster
Not Sunny, Not 75 What do you do, when looking out of the window frame of life at the forecast of tomorrow, and it’s simply not looking like sunny with a high of 75? When all of the hope that you once stockpiled, seems to be stuck in the past. …

Momentary Living
Two Types of Moments Have you ever been told to try to “live in the moment”? What does this really even mean anyways? Generally, I think we all understand that it means to enjoy what is actually happening around us when it is happening. I believe that we do a …

6 Negatives of Thinking You’re “Normal”
We all prefer to think that we fall under the category of normal, most likely in hopes of not being that weird and awkward person in the room, who simply doesn’t know it. But in thinking that we are normal, we forget that we are not normal, we are simply …

Life Is More Than A Convenience Store
Just A Convenient Comfort Life has become a convenience store for most. Each day we walk among the things which we are simply living to buy, but these things usually only result in a feeling in us of “barely survive”. Now when we think of taking a risk, we so …

People Make Life Memorable
Where Did I Put That… If you search the backrooms of your brain, which house all of the past memories both good and bad. It is likely you will find that the memories worth notably filing away, are the ones filled with the presence of others. Certainly we all have …

Don’t Wait Till It’s Taken Away
Lucky Enough To Lose If we were lucky enough to have the incredibly invaluable things in our lives taken from us. Yet only long enough to realize their true worth. We would then realize what we have in life to be genuinely thankful for. In trying to live life to …

Potential Beyond Years and The Hidden Yellow Brick Road
You Potentially Have It Wrong As a person grows up we tend to think that their potential does not grow along with them. To some it may seem that a person’s ability to improve and grow as a person hits a ceiling once they finish their so called “learning”, or …

Tomorrow Is Not Yours
Harsh Reality Tomorrow is not yours. This is a harsh statement because most of us live with the idea that it is only fair to live into old age. But why do you think you deserve tomorrow? Where does it say that old age is your right? What have you …

What To Follow: Your Heart or Your Head?
What To Follow? It is important to balance out the influence of what you feel like your heart is telling you to do and what your head is telling you. Listening to the hearts passionate pleas brings us closer to our dreams, but tuning out reason can lead to the …

Simple Contentment
You Don’t Need To Cut Through Steel With every commercial and media advertisement telling us that we deserve more of this and more of that. We are influenced to think that what we have is not really enough. Advertisements tell us that if the best kitchen knives you own can …

Failure = Success
Does This Even Make Sense? At first this formula appears to make no sense because we tend to see failure as the polar opposite of success. But we must look farther into what failure actually is and what it can become with the addition of perseverance. Trying to avoid failure …

Living On the Fine Line
A Fine Line It Is There is a fine line on which you should balance every area of your life. There simply is no exceptions. Every single area in life needs this all important balance. Everyone has seen the person who works too much, and the one who doesn’t work …

Think It, And It Will Come
So I Was Thinking… The structure and function of the human brain is absolutely amazing. Time and time again I find myself just in a state of bewilderment when thinking about these things (with my brain, crazy!). The first thing we would think about when you talk about your brains …

So You’re Having A Bad Day?
They Just Pop Up No matter who you are and what type of life you live, you are bound and sure to eventually have a bad day. It might not be a terrible day, but it will be just a plain old bad day. No matter how far you get …

Hope, Never Let It Go
Crave “Hope is what we crave, and that will never change”. This is a lyric from a song titled Crave by For King & Country. I believe that it embraces what each human being longs for each and every day, and what we cannot live without. The Darkest Place When …

There Is No Replacement for You
Replacement Syndrome In the present day world which we live in, we are constantly replacing our dying phones, broken appliances, and “lost” socks (there has to be someone out there at the center of this monstrosity). We are accustomed to simply replace that which is outdated, unfashionable, or slow. With …

It’s Easier to Live the Hard Way
House Plants, Stamps, And Thumb Wrestling 5 easy ways to keep your house plants alive. 7 easy steps to organize your stamp collection. 3 exercises to increase your thumb wrestling skills. It seems like we are always looking for easier and easier ways to make life, well, easier. This is …

Use Death as your Guide
Shout Out! Art Of Manliness Below is an excerpt of a post from a site called Art of Manliness. This is an absolutely amazing site geared towards helping guys become men, using classic and honorable ideas for everyday life. If you want to learn more about the true art of …

What’s Your Prize?
Two Ways To Spend As a culture we spend so much time on just ourselves and what we want to do. As an outsider looking in, you would think that we would be quite happy and have less problems then we do. Simply because we spend so much time worrying …

Just Keep Swimming …
Lessons From A Forgetful Fish “Just Keep Swimming…” Most of us know these famous lines spoken by Dory, the amusing amnesiac royal blue tang fish in the animated movie, Finding Nemo. These three simple words make up just one of the many quotes which embody the idea of an absolutely …

What To Do With Inspiration
So I Got This, What Now? Inspiration has been something that people have used to change their own lives, the lives of others, and even the world time and time again. Great inventors, philosophers, humanitarians, and the common folk alike have used the inspirational moment to get started or past …

Simple Complexity
Simple? There really is no such thing as something simple in life. Everything we see, touch, or think about gets more and more complex the more it is analyzed. There are no exceptions to this because even dirt is made up of sub-atomic particles like electrons, which scientists are not …

Just Live It
Just Live It The famous trademark of Nike, the ever popular shoe and apparel company, is as we all know Just Do It. This slogan probably helps more in the persuasion of the customer to purchase athletic equipment rather, than going out and using it. Going out and exercising is …

Who doesn’t love a good ice cube tray
What Are You Looking At? When your looking at life and trying to figure things out, the results will be mainly dependent on your perspective in life. Having a good perspective in a situation can make all the difference. It will affect the way you look at things, how you …

Keep It Simple And Live It
So what is this all about? So what is this all about? The basis of this site is to live life in a simple way and do it with everything you got. Focusing on seeking out the things in life that actually are worth something, those great things in life …