12 Steps To Successfully Following Your Dreams
Have one Believe what you want to do is possible If it gets hard, keep going Don’t doubt yourself Believe that where you’re at is just the start Don’t skip steps Put in the extra work Be patient Do the things you are unsure of Believe that success is for …

11 ¾ Steps To Successfully Not Following Your Dreams
Never have one Believe what you want to do is impossible If it gets hard turn around Doubt yourself Believe that where you’re at is where you’ll stay Skip steps Be impatience Only do things you are sure of Believe that success is only for those who have never failed …

Life Can Be Puzzling Part 3: Don’t Give Up, Even If Your Dog Eats The Last Piece
As a daunting puzzle gets closer and closer to completion and it seems like most of the patience has passed on, in the midst of these pivotal moments you may face circumstances which cause you to doubt if you will ever even finish. But within these moments is where the …

Life Can Be Puzzling Part 2: Are You Sure These Pieces Fit Here?
Once the border is in place and the puzzling piles have been made, then the real work begins. If you have in mind what you want your life to become, then you must be willing to work at making it just that. In both completing a puzzle and living life, …

Life Can Be Puzzling Part 1: There Are So Many Pieces!
In beginning the comparison between figuring out your life and a puzzle, you need to determine what state your pieces are in. They might be scattered everywhere, with a strong scent of cardboard, as if they just came out of the box. Or the pieces may be connected, in a …

Introduction: Life Can Be Puzzling
If you have ever started a jigsaw puzzle that had a large number of pieces, then soon after you have discarded the mass into a disorganized pile on the table, you then posed the question to yourself, where do I even start? If you don’t have a plan of attack …

My Conversation With A Tree
The other day I was walking along a forest path, soaking up all that nature had to offer. I strayed from the path to see if I could get a better view of the sun, as it was on its way to setting. I walked and walked, among the ferns …