Use Death as your Guide

In Living Life by LivingToTheUtmost

Shout Out! Art Of Manliness

Below is an excerpt of a post from a site called Art of Manliness. This is an absolutely amazing site geared towards helping guys become men, using classic and honorable ideas for everyday life. If you want to learn more about the true art of manliness check it out at

Don’t Live On Autopilot

The idea in the excerpt below is a simple and pivotal truth in life which so few think about. We all should strive to remember this, so that we can choose to truly live our lives. In the great words of Captain B. McCrea of the Axiom, in the movie WALL-E, “I don’t want to survive. I want to Live!”. Don’t put your life on autopilot, you may end up lost.

Use Death as your Guide

“We all could die at any moment. It could be today, tomorrow, or next week. You could go and visit your dying friend in the hospital and then get hit by a bus the next day. Whether or not you have an existing condition is of no importance in your actual mortality. If this was the common outlook of today’s man, do you think we would sit around watching cable TV and spending our time worrying about how to afford the next big thing in consumer electronics? (Heck) no! We would go out today and start doing the exact thing that we have always wanted to do (our purpose) while not wasting any of our time on the petty, pointless things. After all, there is no better a teacher in time management than having death knocking at your door.”

Life, keep it simple and live it


Art of Manliness Full Article

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