Words To Live By: Start Over…We Know
Living With Yourself In starting to write about this topic of starting over, changing our actions, and becoming better versions of ourselves. I came to a little bit of an epiphany about us. Rather, those who want to become better or are looking to change something in their lives. Which …

Words To Live By: The Other Fellow
Living With Other People Social Non-Interaction With the explosion of social networks in the last decade, we have interacted with people by liking, tweeting, poking, pinning, and following. With many of these involving interaction with complete strangers. Yet no matter how social you may be in these arenas, you most likely …

Words To Live By: Finding Yourself
Living With Yourself The Undefined Journey Many people go on month-long voyages and adventurous worldwide excursions in the efforts of “finding themselves”. But what does it actually mean to find yourself? This is another topic which may invoke head shaking and increased doubt in the sanity of the so-called misguided …

Words To Live By: Start Living!
Living With Yourself Carpe Diem Carpe Diem, most will shake their head in slight disgust at this aphorism. It has become a saying which is allotted with the likes of most clichés. It is quite sad how this powerful phrase has become nothing more than a marketable meaning. It’s mostly …

Words To Live By: Introduction
It all started with one of my phenomenal Goodwill journeys and my search for more hidden literary gems among the mobs of Danielle Steel and how-to books. After searching through books on how I could maximize my plywood construction skills and sailing technique, and to my enjoyment obtaining a couple …